All enzymes presented are not active at ambient temperature during PCR reaction setup. Activity is blocked by highly specific monoclonal antibodies. There is no need for prolonged thermal activation – enzyme becomes active during the first step of PCR reaction over 70oC (for some enzymes over 80oC). Hot-Start enzymes are highly recommended for low-copy DNA targets in complex background and during prolonged reaction setup period at room temperature. Enzymes allow reducing miss-priming, duplex formation and other PCR artifacts which results in high specificity of amplification and higher yields of target products. |
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SmarTaq DNA Polymerase
DST-500 |
500 units |
DST-1000 |
1000 units |
Description: SmarTaq DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa DiaTaq DNA Polymerase purified from E.coli PVG-AI recombinant strain expressing Thermus aquatiqus polymerase gene and highly specific monoclonal antibodies. It provides improved specificity and high yield amplification, even with low copy number and complex DNA templates, when compared to standard DNA polymerases. SmarTaq can eliminate amplification artifacts, such as primerdimer formation and mispriming. |
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SmarTaq DNA Polymerase (Low Glycerol)
DSTL-500 |
500 units |
DSTL-1000 |
1000 units |
Description: SmarTaq DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa DiaTaq DNA Polymerase purified from E.coli PVG-AI recombinant strain expressing Thermus aquatiqus polymerase gene and highly specific monoclonal antibodies. |
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SmarREDTaq DNA Polymerase
DSTR-500 |
500 Units |
DSTR-1000 |
1000 Units |
Description: SmarREDTaq DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa DiaTaq DNA Polymerase purified from E.coli PVG-AI recombinant strain expressing Thermus aquatiqus polymerase gene and specific monoclonal antibodies, contains inherent dye(preparation colored RED) to control addition of polymerase during PCR set up. |
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SmarNGTaq DNA Polymerase
DSNG-500 |
250 Units |
DSNG-1000 |
500 Units |
Description: SmarNGTaq DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa DiaTaq DNA Polymerase purified from E.coli PVG-AI recombinant strain expressing Thermus aquatiqus polymerase gene and two clones of highly specific monoclonal antibodies. SmarNGTaq is inactive under conditions of amplification reaction preparation. It provides improved specificity and high yield amplification, even with low copy number and complex DNA templates, when compared to standard DNA polymerases. SmarNGTaq can eliminate amplification artifacts, such as primerdimer formation and mispriming. |
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SmarHCTAQ DNA Polymerase
DSTC-01 |
1000 units |
DSTC-05 |
5000 units |
Description: SmarHCTaq DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa DiaTaq DNA Polymerase purified from E.coli PVG-AI recombinant strain expressing Thermus aquatiqus polymerase gene and specific monoclonal antibodies.SmarHCTaq is inactive under conditions of amplification reaction preparation. It provides improved specificity when compared to standard DNA polymerases. SmarHCTaq can eliminate amplification artifacts such as primer-dimer formation and mispriming.
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SmarTth DNA Polymerase
DSTT-500 |
500 Units |
DSTT-1000 |
1000 Units |
Description: SmarTth DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa Tth DNA Polymerase purified from E.coli PVG-AI recombinant strain expressing Thermus Thermophilus HB8 polymerase gene and two clones of specific monoclonal antibodies. It provides improved specificity when compared to standard DNA polymerases. SmarTth can eliminate amplification artifacts such as primerdimer formation and mispriming.SmarTth also has reverse-transcription activity in presence of Mn2+ ions, as regular Tth polymerase. An advantage of SmarTth is the absence of additional heating step for polymerase activation. |
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HStormTaq Polymerase
DSST-100 |
100 Units |
DSST-1000 |
1000 Units |
Description: HS-StormTaq DNA Polymerase is chimerical enzyme, genetically constructed from point mutated version of N-terminally truncated Thermus aquatiqus DNA polymerase and blocked with the highly specific monoclonal antibodies. The mutations, which added to truncated Taq DNA polymerase allow HS-StormTaq to works with the partly cleaned DNA samples contained PCR inhibitors (especially from the blood samples)Unique properties of HS-StormTaq helps to overcome the problems with the amplification of complex DNA templates in the presence of inhibitors (amplification from the whole blood up to 10% of reaction volume) |
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HS-Fuzz DNA polymerase
Dia-21000 |
100 units |
Dia-21001 |
500 units |
Description: HS-Fuzz DNA Polymerase is a unique artificial enzyme created on the basis of intellectual protein design planning by genetic engineering technique. HS-Fuzz emzymatic activity at ambient temperature is blocked by highly specific monoclonal antibodies against HF-Fuzz polymerase. Antibodies allows to switch enzymatic activity during first denaturation step of PCR run, but keeps HF-Fuzz inactive during PCR reaction setup. |
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UltraSmarTaq Polymerase
DUST-500 |
500 Units |
DUST-1000 |
1000 Units |
Description: UltraSmarTaq DNA Polymerase is complex mixture of a thermostable 94 kDa modified fused Taq DNA Polymerase special constriction purified from E.coli strain expressing Thermus aquatiqus polymerase gene, highly specific monoclonal antibodies and a fused, “Hi-Fi” ,antibodies –blocked enzyme. In the contrast to “regular” Taq-based enzymes, which inhibited by blood components modifications entered into UltraSmarTaq polymerase gene allowed to amplify DNA sequence directly from whole blood, stabilized with the commonly used agents (heparin, citrate or EDTA). |